Nigel Metheringham schrieb:

On 10 Feb 2009, at 10:53, Neo [GC] wrote:
Apart from Catalyst being really resource hungry, the startup time for the application (testserver oder fastcgi) is ok, about 4 seconds on my development-system (CentOS on VMware Fusion on MacOS X Leopard, Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz). It's not perfect for developing, but it is completely acceptable.

What version of Centos?
What perl are you using?
I don't think the reason is about the OS or version of Perl. We have tried it with different versions of CentOS, Redhat Enterprise, SUSE Enterprise, FreeBSD (with threaded and unthreaded perl) and even Windows XP and 2003 Server: Same effect on every system. :(

But as soon as I activate my DBIx schemas, the startup time multiplies: 12 seconds with my first (and most important) schema, 25 seconds when using all schemas.

Have a look at this document (from a dev DBIC release):-
or   (look at Performance section at bottom).
Thanks, but my CentOS has exactly the stated perl version installed (Perl 5.8.8 15.el5_2.1).

Thomas Weber

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