On Tuesday 10 February 2009 04:53:32 am Neo [GC] wrote:
> Hello people,
> I'm working on a rather big CRM system using Catalyst with all bells and
> whistles. For database, we use DBIx::Class::Schema and this drives me
> crazy...
> Apart from Catalyst being really resource hungry, the startup time for
> the application (testserver oder fastcgi) is ok, about 4 seconds on my
> development-system (CentOS on VMware Fusion on MacOS X Leopard, Core 2
> Duo 2.2GHz). It's not perfect for developing, but it is completely
> acceptable.
> But as soon as I activate my DBIx schemas, the startup time multiplies:
> 12 seconds with my first (and most important) schema, 25 seconds when
> using all schemas. 

Just to be clear, since you mention startup time, are you using a fixed 
DBIx::Class::Schema, or DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader at runtime? If the 
latter, a slow startup is to be expected, and the solution is largely "don't 
do that then". If the former, then I suspect Nigel has you headed in the 
right direction.


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