Eden Cardim schrieb:
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Neo [GC] <n...@gothic-chat.de> wrote:
->load_classes is a DBIx::Class::Schema method, check the docs, if you
don't provide any arguments it uses Module::Find to scan the disk in
search of table classes, and given you have 148 tables, that's
probably what's hitting you. Just declare all your loadable classes
manually and you'll probably shave off most of load time.

So, finally found time to evaluate it. I've copy&pasted a list of my 148 models into load_classes and it instantly changed... nothing. :( Could it be possible, that the roots of the slowness is my belongs_to and has_many stuff? It just seems to be very costly for "simple" class creation...

Anyway, I will try to further investigate the issue.

Thanks to all for the help!

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