Save something for the actual count!

Does anyone know where the TURKEY VULTUREs are roosting?  While out and about 
this week I saw scattered individuals here and there all over, but they most 
likely are concentrating at a single roost spot.  I would good to get a count 
there in the evening; vultures range a long ways during the day and are likely 
to be double-counted as foraging individuals.

Is there any open water left unfrozen besides Cayuga Lake?  Up until this week 
there were lots of CANADA GEESE spending the night away from the lake, but I 
don't know where they are doing that now.  Geese that don't sleep on the lake 
need to be counted.  Ones that are likely coming from the lake will get tallied 
in the morning or evening.

I think most of the gulls are sleeping on Cayuga Lake, so we will probably use 
the morning/evening tallies for Herring and Ring-billed.  It is possible that 
the Cornell compost tally of Great Black-backed and the rare gulls could 
surpass a lake tally, so it would be good to count them.

There does not seem to be a single large roost of AMERICAN CROWS in the area, 
but rather a few smaller ones in Cayuga Heights, Ellis Hollow, West Hill, 
Dryden, etc.  Please keep track of the crows you see during the day, and keep 
roost gathering numbers separate if you can.

If in doubt, count it and let me sort the final numbers out.

Remember, there is NO $5 charge for doing the count this year.

Should be a fun count!

I hope to see everyone at the countdown at the Lab tomorrow night.


[] On Behalf Of Gary Kohlenberg
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] Ithaca count week

I was able to get a Northern Saw-whet Owl to respond to my tooting last night 
at Six Mile Creek. In a year when we've had so many migrants they seem 
reluctant to be very vocal in the areas I've been.


On Dec 30, 2012, at 8:14 PM, <<>>

This afternoon I returned and added several species for count week:

SNOW GOOSE - single white adult alone in the middle of the lake.
TUNDRA SWAN - a pair of adults to the northwest
GADWALL - pairs and small groups scattered on lake, along shore and with groups 
of other species
AMERICAN WIGEON - 3 males in Aythya flock
NORTHERN SHOVELER - an astounding thirty-eight (38), mostly in 2 tight groups 
to the west near/with Aythyas, the males were in varying states of coming into 
breeding plumage
NORTHERN PINTAIL - 1 male refound along shore with Mallards
CANVASBACK - 1 male, completing the sweep of all 5 Aythya species in the flock
COMMON GOLDENEYE - 3 males near 1 female north of red lighthouse
TURKEY VULTURE - 1 soaring over East Hill
LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL - adult on lake near ducks

I saw a total of 19 species of Anseriformes, plus American Coot, but no loons, 
grebes, or cormorants today.

--Dave Nutter

On Dec 29, 2012, at 05:04 PM,<> 
In case there are species of birds within the Ithaca Christmas Bird Count which 
we miss on count day (1 January 2013), we can add them to our total if we find 
them in the 3 days prior to or the 3 days subsequent to count day. That started 
today. Please report any unusual birds starting today so that birders can try 
to find them on count day, and if that doesn't work, they at least can be count 
week birds.

Yesterday - NOT count week -  I saw 2 female Black Scoters and a male 
White-winged Scoter off Stewart Park, in addition to other waterfowl. They were 
east of the red lighthouse.

At dawn this morning I went to the southwest corner of the lake wondering what 
I could ID before the gunning started. With today's clouds and snowfall, the 
answer is nothing. The first fusillade was at 7:09am. There were two parties 
along the lakeshore at Treman and a guy out on the lake lying on a very low 
flotation device, each with flocks of snow-covered decoys, and a small boat 
with a couple guys near the docks further north than I was. I also heard shots 
from the east and northeast. I stayed for an hour. Birding was not easy.

Birds I found today for count week included:

Canada Goose
American Black Duck
Redhead - 1 male, but this individual will not be available on count day
Ring-Necked Duck - 2 males
Greater Scaup - 1 male
Bufflehead - 1 female
Hooded Merganser - wounded bird may remain in the area
Common Merganser - wounded bird may remain in the area
Ruddy Duck - 1 male, several females
DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT - 1 swimming and diving to north. Yesterday I saw 4 on 
& near the red lighthouse breakwater
American Coot
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
American Crow
Black-capped Chickadee
Carolina Wren
American Tree Sparrow
House Sparrow

Next I went briefly to Stewart Park. I was glad to see more birds, but I didn't 
add any species and the falling snow made visibility limited.

--Dave Nutter
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