Inspired by Donna's report of Rick's owl sightings on Scofield Road, and
(perhaps) by the PBS Nature Show on Owls, a friend and I returned for the
third time this Winter in hopes of an owl display.  We arrived at 5:40,
when there was still plenty of sun, and our first SHORT-EARED OWL swooped
toward us from the field on the east of the road, prompting Sue to comment,
"I was just face to face with an owl!"  It was not long before two others
were also swooping across the field, and one settled into the Sumac bush
(east side, not far from the northern end of the road) giving us amazing
views (what an array of colors on the bird) for several minutes.We watched
them as they flew, swooped, (sometimes) landed on the ground, then perched
on different bushes in the area, including two near the buildings.  We were
there for a little over half an hour, and had at least two owls in view the
whole time.  Someone in another car said she had just seen another on a
telephone pole where Buck Road and Van Ostrand intersect.  Venus and the
Crescent Moon on the drive back were a bonus.


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