My guess is that these hunters thought they were conducting themselves in a 
manner consistent with NYSDEC regs, meaning that they have the right to 
waterfowl hunt on Cayuga Lake as long they don't fire in the direction of a 
dwelling that's less than 500' away (among other things).

They also may have been relying on the law that makes it illegal to harass 
anyone that's hunting according to regulations.  They may have also been 
unaware of the local ordinance that prohibits even the carrying of a firearm 
within Stewart Park. Generally you can access public waters via public access 
in NYS however municipalities may have more strict laws in place...something a 
hunter is supposed to research and abide by.

If they had accessed the lake somewhere else they would have legally been able 
to hunt waterfowl just offshore from Stewart Park.  I'm pretty sure about that 
but could be missing something.

I wasn't there but I can see how the confusion could happen especially if 
hunters are given incorrect info by local law enforcement. It's also possible 
they knew the local ordinance but ignored it.  Can't know for sure.  Conflicts 
are sure to arise on occasion between hunters and other users.  All have rights.

David Diaz
Trumansburg, NY

On Nov 12, 2015, at 11:06 PM, Dave Nutter 
<<>> wrote:

This afternoon I was enjoying Stewart Park - the Cayuga Waterfront Trail, the 
Fuertes Sanctuary (swan pond), the birds on the lake - as I often do. As I 
walked clockwise around the pond and came out from the Fuertes Sanctuary path 
near the lakeshore and toward the park road, I came face to face with 3 guys 
carrying guns and dragging a small boat. I took a couple photos on my phone 
(I've been practicing lately, but they weren't very good) and I told them they 
weren't allowed to have guns in Stewart Park. They said lots of law enforcement 
agencies had been called on them before, which sort of contradicts what they 
also said about me being the only one who has given them a problem, and they 
were told it was okay if the guns weren't loaded. I said the ban was in the 
City Code, and maybe those police hadn't read that part. They were skeptical. 
They said they'd seen guys walk right out and shoot waterfowl from Stewart 
Park. I said I would've tried to stop those guys, too. They didn't want to 
leave, but seemed to think that having police, who had agreed with them before, 
resolve the issue would get me out of their hair. So I called 911 and explained 
the situation. The guys in camo agreed to wait for the cops, although meanwhile 
they did put their guns back in their pick-up trucks. That was nice, since kids 
were arriving next to them for rowing practice at the Cascadilla Boathouse, 
although I think the kids were unaware of what was going on. Also I was pretty 
uncomfortable confronting people with guns while waiting for police (also with 
guns) to tell me I was wrong. The guys asked me if I had been waiting for them. 
I said, no, I was just here a lot. A short while later IPD showed up in the 
form of a friendly woman who was smaller than the smallest of the 3 guys, and a 
lot smaller than the largest, who was considerably bigger than me. She seemed 
inclined to let them proceed, then took my ID info, and said I could leave. I 
didn't say that I had been enjoying the park and intended to continue. Instead 
I said I'd like to stay for the outcome, that I thought guns were banned in 
Stewart Park by the City Code, and if that's the case I'd like to see it 
enforced. She said she had to look it up, then took the guys' IDs, and got back 
in her cruiser to consult her computer monitor. Another IPD officer, a man, 
pulled up, got out, and stood by her window, not talking to me or the gun guys. 
After awhile she came out, gave the guys back their IDs and told them they had 
to go. I didn't hear their whole conversation but she gestured toward the boat 
ramp at Treman and they nodded and said they wouldn't park here anymore, 
although I bet they'll set up within conversational distance of the path around 
Fuertes. She then came over to me and repeatd their story of being told before 
that what they were doing was okay. I think that was my opportunity to insist 
they be ticketed, but I didn't. I thanked the officer for looking up the law, 
but she credited the other officer. After the cops drove off, the leader of the 
guys, the big one, said I had won today, but if this happened again they'd call 
the cops on me for harassing them. I asked, if what happens? No answer to that.

So it has been established, at least among six people, that you are not allowed 
to bring your gun into Stewart Park, not even if you plan to shoot the ducks 
and geese. I wish I had also asked the officers to look up the boundaries of 
Stewart Park in the City Code, because Stewart Park extends north to the City 
Limit, which is a considerable distance out in the lake.

A lot of Buffleheads went about their business.

If you see a maroon Ford pickup 71642 KA or a dark gray Silverado pickup GTL 
7095 parked in Stewart Park while there are gunners in camo standing in the 
water nearby, perhaps with a small boat for their stuff, you can ask IPD to 
talk to them about whterh they brought their guns through the park after being 
told not to.

--Dave Nutter

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