Exactly, Terry. The issue is that the birds are in the prime habitat (such as 
at your campsite) but they are not as prevalent in the sub-prime habitat or 
traditional backyard habitat…

Thanks for trying… :-)


On Jun 17, 2017, at 11:32 AM, Terry P. Mingle 
<tmin...@twcny.rr.com<mailto:tmin...@twcny.rr.com>> wrote:

We have a TON of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at camp (Forest Lake Campground, in 
Truxton<https://forestlakecampground.com/>).  Not so many in Cortland (where we 

Also I've seen almost all the usual suspects in Cortland this year (sans the 

At camp, plenty of assorted swallows (Tree and Barn) Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, 
Scarlet Tanagers, and assorted warblers, along with our resident Barred Owl, 
hawks, etc.

Oh, and insects, too.  (Which I guess, is good AND bad…. could sure do without 
the flies and mosquitoes!)

Hoping to re-energize the "party"….   :-D



On Jun 17, 2017 , at 11:20 AM, "Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes" 
<c...@cornell.edu<mailto:c...@cornell.edu>> wrote:

Oh, yeah. I forgot about Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. I remember when we used to 
have them in the Northeast. They used to be a really common and cheerful 
species of the summer. People used to put out these feeders filled with 
sugar-water to attract them to their house for viewing pleasure. They were 
these super tiny birds, about the size of a very large bee, and used to hover 
from flower to flower feeding on nectar, and would glean insects from spider 
webs from under the eaves of our house.

I’m obviously being facetious, but I’m greatly concerned that we are now 
beginning to visibly see the effects of the greatest environmental catastrophe 
since the fifth mass extinction – and this one being entirely caused by human 
activity. Are we seeing the death of the canaries in the coal mine? Is this 
finally becoming more visible and working it’s way up the food chain? I haven’t 
seen a single fly-by Ruby-throated Hummingbird or heard any chittery 
territorial calls from them this season.

Past few summers, insect numbers have been WAY down. Remember those longer road 
trips across country, or just after a road trip for a few hours? My windshield 
would get smattered solid with insect splatter – not so much any more.

I’m concerned that we are all becoming complacent with these changes, and 
accepting them as the “new norm”. This isn’t normal, this is a huge red flag, 
and something should be done about it – the question is: what?


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Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes
Field Applications Engineer
Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850
W: 607-254-2418<tel:607-254-2418>   M: 607-351-5740<tel:607-351-5740>   F: 


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