Thanks! Osprey are returning to their nests atop towers along rt. 5&20 on the 
Montezuma Refuge.Pete SarSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: Salt Point Osprey Camera 
<> Date: 3/30/19  9:53 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: cayugabirds-l 
<>,, Cc: Cindy Sedlacek <>, Susan Ruoff 
<> Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Salt Point Osprey Nest Camera is 
On-line! Salt Point Osprey Nest Camera is On-line!Salt Point Osprey Nest 
Camera Salt Point's Ophelia and 
Orpheus court, incubate eggs, raise their family, and help them fledge on the 
nest camera in Lansing. Since there is no WiFi, the footage cannot be broadcast 
live, but it is uploaded daily on the Salt Point Osprey Camera channel on 
YouTube. So far, the recordings show Orpheus delivery countless sticks (at 
least 20-40 per day) refurbishing the nest for Ophelia's arrival. His building 
was painfully slow: for almost every stick he'd bring, another would fall off 
the nest. Eventually, after seven days of work, the nest is a few inches higher 
and has fresh leaves and grasses in the nest bowl—ready to entice and welcome 
Ophelia.And it did. Ophelia arrived at the Salt Point nest at about 6:00 pm 
tonight and the pair was seen sitting in the nest together and then copulating 
on the nest perch at 6:32 pm. It's a relief to have them both back from their 
long migrations. (Ophelia arrived on March 30 last year also.) This week should 
bring many ospreys back to the area.Please report any osprey sightings you have 
and let me know if you find a new nest not listed in the Cayuga Lake Osprey 
Trail. This information is used for a survey of the osprey population in the 
Cayuga Lake Basin and the eleven Finger Lakes. Thank you very much!CandaceEYES 
ON OSPREYSRead!On Osprey TimeWatch!Salt Point Osprey Nest CamExplore!Cayuga 
Lake Osprey Trail

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