This morning I heard a Northern Waterthrush near the Sherwood Platform, and this afternoon I heard one along the Woodleton Boardwalk at 4:45. It wasn't singing when I was on the boardwalk at 4, but when I came back through at 4:45, it was singing. I think they typically sing less often around now.

Anne Marie Johnson

On 5/16/2019 3:01 PM, Ann Mitchell wrote:
Last time I heard one there was the 9th, but I don’t go there every day.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 16, 2019, at 2:35 PM, Linda Orkin <> wrote:

Sounds like a wonderful  morning.  Glad you were out there.

Interestingly we did not hear any Northern Waterthrush along the Woodleton Boardwalk yesterday either and they are so reliably persistent, usually. 

Linda Orkin
Ithaca, NY

On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 12:47 PM Mark Chao <> wrote:

I walked around much of Sapsucker Woods with visiting scientist Martin Stervander.  It was by far the best morning of the spring for me, probably a top-ten day for me ever in the sanctuary, all the more so because we picked up many lifers for Martin.  The treetops from Sherwood Platform past the Charley Harper Bench all the way to the road were teeming with great numbers of at least 19 warbler species, including CAPE MAY (4+ M, 1 F), BAY-BREASTED (3+), TENNESSEE (3+, one confirmed by sight), BLACKBURNIAN (8+), NORTHERN PARULA (7+), PINE (1 M, surprising to see by Fuller Wetlands, not near any pines – confirmed by photo), BLACK-THROATED BLUE (4 M, 1 F), BLACK-THROATED GREEN (6+), CHESTNUT-SIDED (6+), NASHVILLE (2, heard only), BLACK-AND-WHITE (1 seen, 1+ heard only), WILSON’S (seen by Martin, missed by me), and one HOODED (heard only, but I feel sure).  Northern Waterthrush would have made 20 warbler species for the morning, but somehow we didn’t hear any along the Woodleton Boardwalk.  We also found a couple of YELLOW-THROATED VIREOS and BLUE-HEADED VIREOS.


Mark Chao

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this evil, what is the good
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