Hi folks

I am in the situation of having coordinates of apoproteins (i.e. polypeptide 
chains without prosthetic groups) in PDB format - but I need them in mmCIF 
format so I can run them through a locally built copy of AlphaFill.

I need something I can install locally, so web services are a no-no.

I’ve tried obabel and Coot to convert the PDB to mmCIF, but AlphaFill doesn’t 
like the files produced. Before I spend time searching through available 
options on the interweb, does anyone know of a utility that can provide me with 
suitable mmCIFs? Note that I *only* have the coordinates because they come from 

I’m assuming that I’ve run obabel and Coot correctly!


> alphafill process protein_obabel.cif  filled.cif
> Structure file does not seem to contain polymers, perhaps 
> pdbx_poly_seq_scheme is missing?


> alphafill process protein_A-coot-0.cif filled.cif 
> Error reading file ‘protein_A-coot-0.cif'
>  >> parse error at line 2: This file does not seem to be an mmCIF file


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