Dear Harry,

You could also try to use pdb2cif from the cif-tools: The only strict requirement for a PDB formatted file is that it has a HEADER at the first line. After installation, running from the command line is as simple as: pdb2cif file.pdb .

Best regards,


On 23-02-2024 13:43, Nicholas Clark wrote:
Hi Harry,

Have you tried MAXIT from the PDB? It can be installed locally:


Nick Clark

Nicholas D. Clark (He/Him)
PhD Candidate
Malkowski Lab
University at Buffalo
Department of Structural Biology
Jacob's School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
955 Main Street, RM 5130
Buffalo, NY 14203

Cell: 716-830-1908

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 7:36 AM Harry Powell <> wrote:

    Hi Martin, Marcin, Arturo, Avinash

    First off, I’m **NOT** saying that there’s anything wrong with the
    CIF files produced by these routes - just that AlphaFill doesn’t
    like them (it *does* like CIFs from AlphaFold -

    > alphafill process alphafold.cif filled.cif
    > 1DKE  =========----------------------------------------------- 14%

    But (while Alphafold models are wonderful, have put us all out of
    jobs, etc, etc) they are just a starting point for my project and,
    for this purpose, no good in themselves.

    Martin, Marcin - gemmi would be a good way to go, but -

    > >>> import gemmi
    > >>> structure = gemmi.read_structure('old.pdb')
    > >>> structure.make_mmcif_document().write_file('new.cif')
    > alphafill process new.cif filled.cif
    > Structure file does not seem to contain polymers, perhaps
    pdbx_poly_seq_scheme is missing?

    > gemmi convert old.pdb gemmi.cif
    > alphafill process gemmi.cif filled.cif
    > Structure file does not seem to contain polymers, perhaps
    pdbx_poly_seq_scheme is missing?


    Arturo - I’ve never scripted PyMol, but saving as CIF from the
    graphics interface -

    > alphafill process pymol.cif filled.cif
    > Structure file does not seem to contain polymers, perhaps
    pdbx_poly_seq_scheme is missing?

    Avinash - Maxit *might* work, but I fell at the first hurdle -
    although the help page says

    > Note: It is highly recommended to utilize binary distribution,

    it’s not obvious where to get this. So I download and try to build
    from source, and get (after unpacking and setting ENVs) -

    > make
    > Warning: this seems to be an unsupported operating system.
    > Supported systems are:
    >   SunOS ...... version 4.1.x and 5.2 or higher
    >   Linux ...... any version
    >   SGI IRIX ... version 5.3-6.4
    > make: *** [Makefile:32: compile] Error 1

    which is odd, because this is a new Linux system installed this week

    > [hpowell@ld-mjeste3 maxit-v11.100-prod-src]$ more
    > Rocky Linux release 9.3 (Blue Onyx)

    best wishes all


    > On 23 Feb 2024, at 11:55, Martin Malý <>
    > Dear Harry,
    > You can try to read your PDB file and save it as mmCIF using gemmi:
    > Best wishes,
    > Martin
    >> Hi folks
    >> I am in the situation of having coordinates of apoproteins
    (i.e. polypeptide chains without prosthetic groups) in PDB format
    - but I need them in mmCIF format so I can run them through a
    locally built copy of AlphaFill.
    >> I need something I can install locally, so web services are a
    >> I’ve tried obabel and Coot to convert the PDB to mmCIF, but
    AlphaFill doesn’t like the files produced. Before I spend time
    searching through available options on the interweb, does anyone
    know of a utility that can provide me with suitable mmCIFs? Note
    that I *only* have the coordinates because they come from modelling.
    >> I’m assuming that I’ve run obabel and Coot correctly!
    >> obabel:
    >>> alphafill process protein_obabel.cif filled.cif
    >>> Structure file does not seem to contain polymers, perhaps
    pdbx_poly_seq_scheme is missing?
    >> Coot:
    >>> alphafill process protein_A-coot-0.cif filled.cif
    >>> Error reading file ‘protein_A-coot-0.cif'
    >>>  >> parse error at line 2: This file does not seem to be an
    mmCIF file
    >> Harry
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