Hi folks

I’ve made considerable progress in getting to the bottom of this problem. From 
what I can gather, AlphaFold writes “modelCIF”, which is not quite the same as 
“mmCIF”, and just saying “CIF” is not unambiguous. So I guess I should have 
been more aware of this when posting my original question.

With regard to the programs mentioned (note these are not all my analyses, so 
please don’t shoot the messenger!) - 

* Pymol produces a file which is some way from “standard” and would need work 
to make it usable (so something for Schroedinger to work on, perhaps).

* Coot *almost* produces a file that can be used  (authors aware).

* Gemmi is also close, but no cigar  (authors aware).

* I’d guess that Maxit was last revised many years before modelCIF was 
introduced so I don’t think this would be a fruitful path to follow (the build 
failed on my newly installed Linux because it was an unrecognised system, and 
the most recent binary was built in 2008).

Many thanks to everyone who took the time to read and answer my question!



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