>On Feb 28, 2007, at 14:37, shivesh kumar wrote:
>Dear all,
>I have a data set at 2.2A, of the selenomethionene labelled 
>protein.How should I process the data.

Some hopefully useful remarks (fairly random and not complete and

1. make sure to mask out the backstop and beamstop holder
   correctly. Although various integration software claims to do this
   fairly automatic it is always better to do a good job on this.

2. check the rejected reflections (at the scaling/merging step): is
   there some system in those rejections? The two files produced by
   SCALA (ROGUES and a xmgr file that plots the detector position of
   rejected reflections) are very helpful. It can show ice-rings, bad
   beamstop-masking (see point 1) etc.

3. heavy atom detection/phasing software will also write out some
   helpful information about outliers: if there are some suspicious
   messages (e.g. warnings in autoSHARP) they usually point back to
   problems in data processing (see point 1).

4. if you collected several datasets/wavelengths: you can give those
   to SCALA for some 'local scaling'. This will also show you those
   really helpful CC(Dano) plots. But be careful with absorption
   correction: all datasets/sweeps need to be indexed identically.

5. always remember what your first reaction was when looking at the
   images: 'great' images should give you good statistics further down
   the pipeline. But if 'awfull' images give you good statistics I
   would be suspicious ...

6. unless you really know what's going on: stick with program
   defaults. Usually the developers have a very good idea why the
   program is doing things in a specific way.




* Clemens Vonrhein, Ph.D.     vonrhein AT GlobalPhasing DOT com
*  Global Phasing Ltd.
*  Sheraton House, Castle Park 
*  Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK
* BUSTER Development Group      (http://www.globalphasing.com)

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