Dear Crystallographers,

The reason I called the phenomenon "resonant scattering" is because that is the 
term used by
"Elements of Modern X-ray Physics" by Jens Als-Nielsen, Des McMorrow. I prefer 
the term also
because this scattering is, as somebody has said, no longer really 
"anomalous--" it fits well into
x-ray physical theory.

As for Compton scattering, I was under the impression that the event was a free 
electron being
perturbed back and forth by an incoming EM wave, which changes its velocity, 
and like an free
electron/positron bouncing around a synchrotron, the perturbed electron 
releases a photon, which
emerges as a spherical wave. This spherical wave then is able to interact with 
all other
spherical-wave photons emerging from analogous electrons elsewhere in the 
crystal. (Would this mean 
all of the constructively-interfering electron wave-functions would have to be 
in phase with each
other, in the whole crystal? A conundrum...)

Concerning resonant scattering, it seemed to me that the lower-level k- or 
l-edge (not free)
electron was excited to a higher state, and another electron dropped down to 
fill its place. This
process would on average take a finite amount of time, inducing an absolute 
phase shift in its
emerging spherical wave, relative to the regular Compton-scattered wave. This 
phase shift is
modelled by two vectors, real and imaginary, in complex space, which together 
represent the phase
shift. No matter the phase of the protein wave, the length and direction of 
these vectors stays the 
same at a given wavelength. When the wavelength is shifted, say to the F' 
minimum (inflection), the 
average time required for the resonant scattering event changes, resulting in a 
different absolute
phase shift which is little shifted from the Compton-scattered wave, although 
it might be even a
few periods behind. I will try to look into this, and see if the observations 
and equations agree
with what I am saying.

All the best,

Jacob Keller

ps perhaps "anomalous" is better than "resonant," as it produces "MAD" and 
"SAD" and not "MRD" and

==============Original message text===============
On Thu, 31 May 2007 11:57:21 am CDT William Scott wrote:

Dear Fellow Compatriots:

A few pre-coffee random observations from the field offices of Dr. Cranky:

1. No mention of "Resonant Scattering in the index of JJ Sakurai Adv.
Quantum Mechanics (1967, 1987 revision), which I used in (blush) 1989,
although the phenomenon is discussed, with many exercises left to the
reader. The index did, however, refer to the "retarded Green's function,"
which I find delightful in this context.

2.  "Resonance scattering" does appear in JJ Sakurai, Modern Quantum
Mechanics, which is a book he wrote a little bit later, and published in
1985 after he died. So I guess that dates the term as well as me.

3. "Anomalous scattering" in optics (i.e, the same phenomenon) describes
the __inversion__ of the rainbow spectrum (dispersion) when white light
propagates through a prism in which there are absorbers that absorb light
near to the visible spectrum. This is accounted for with an imaginary
component in the index of refraction. So violet is where you would
normally expect to see red, and vice versa.

4. The QM analogue takes as its starting point the First Born
approximation (I'm too tired to make a pun) in which a single photon
scatters once elastically from a billiard ball point scattering center.
You can then show that the diffraction pattern is the FT of the potential,
and then get it into the form of electron density from there. Anomalous
scattering dispersion and absorption effects are essentially grafted on as
real and imaginary terms in the denominator of the scattering potential
(see retarded Green's function, above). What comes out of that treatment
is essentially identical to what you have in that equation in James that
Blundell and Johnson use as a starting point for the derivation. The main
point is it is phase shifting. The photon frequency is not changed.

5. Resonance scattering requires a different sort of potential in which
you have what Sakurai calls a "quasi-bound state" with a soft barrier. 
The energy barrier has to be of the same order as the energy of the
photon, so I think for X-rays this isn't a significant effect.

 Bill Scott
===========End of original message text===========

Jacob Keller
Northwestern University
6541 N. Francisco #3
Chicago IL 60645

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