There is of course nothing stopping you from having both severe overlap problems and twinning :-(

In this case, XDS-processed data is clearly twinned, if one were to believe moments and the cumulative intensity distribution calculated by truncate (and everyone should - channelling Dr. Dodson).

Why I'm worried about XDS separating relatively overlapped spots is the funny intensity stats that may result from this (as George Sheldrick and Martin Hallberg has pointed out)? The incomplete HKL2000-processed data (70%) still has intermediate values for the intensity stats, leaning towards twinning. This somewhat agrees with twinning, but not overzealous data integration.

What happens if you play with spot parameters (to increase the number of reflections identified as overlaps) in Denzo? This will reduce the completeness even more but might be a worthwhile exercise to figure out what the problem really is. Can you get cleaner intensity statistics this way? Similarly, you can play with the MINPK parameter in XDS (as suggested by Kay).

Best regards,


B. Martin Hallberg, PhD
Assistant professor
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Medical Nobel Institute
Karolinska Institutet
Nobels v. 3
SE-171 77 Stockholm

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