


Doing my first installation of CCP4 and also a Linux newbie, so try to ?bear with me? ;-)


The ?install.sh? CCP4 script created a ?setup-scripts? directory, with 2 shell subdirectories; ?csh? and ?sh?


  In ?/home/victor/.bashrc? I found 2 lines:

  source /usr/local/xtal/ccp4/setup-scripts/sh/ccp4.setup

  source /usr/local/xtal/ccp4/setup-scripts/sh/ccp4-others.setup


  So, I assume it is using the ccp4.setup-sh file.


But Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 uses ?bash?. If I type ?echo $SHELL?, it gives me /bin/bash, and Bash doesn?t use ?setenv? but ?export? (so I read).


1-Academic question: If I were to do a manual installation and chose, as a template for ?ccp4.setup?, the file?ccp4.setup-bash? (which uses ?setenv?) would I get into trouble?


  2-If Ubuntu uses a ?bash? shell, why it is not using ?ccp4.setup-bash?


  3-Which ?ccp4.setup? file is CCP4 using?:

  a) ?usr/local/xtal/ccp4/ccp4-6.1.0/include? or

  b) ?/usr/local/xtal/ccp4/setup-scripts/sh/ccp4.setup?


4-I manually installed CCP4MG and the instructions state to ?Add the CCP4mg "bin" directory to your PATH in ccp4.setup?, but the only place I found to do this was in ?/usr/local/xtal/ccp4/setup-scripts/sh/CCP4-OTHERS.SETUP? not ?ccp4.setup?.


  So I did:

  sudo gedit /usr/local/xtal/ccp4/setup-scripts/sh/ccp4-others.setup

  Added the following line, (right after a similar one for COOT):



  After Login, I now have 2 lines for CCP4MG-1.1.1/BIN. What did I do wrong?


  echo $PATH (I reformatted one statement per line, for easier reading)




























  Thank you for your patience


  Victor Alves




  Professor Auxiliar

  Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria

  UTL - Lisboa


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