
In general, I'd say that problems with iMosflm should be referred to the developers first (i.e. Luke or me) - but in this case, I think it's possibly better to air this on the ccp4bb - since it seems to be an issue with Ubuntu & the ccp4 binaries.

libtermcap isn't actually needed for the Linux build of Mosflm (also called "ipmosflm"), so you could try just downloading and installing a suitable Mosflm binary from our website.

On 21 Dec 2008, at 21:03, Tim Gruene wrote:

I suppose you installed the ccp4 binaries rather from source (otherwise either ipmosflm would not have built or it would run).

If you cannot find libtermcap.so.2, you should install it. I'm sure Ubuntu provides libtermcap, but I am not familiar with the package tools Ubuntu provides. On the console you may try 'apt-cache search libtermcap' or some online indexing site.

If Ubuntu does not provide the correct version, the easiest (IMHO) way is to build ccp4 from source.


P.S.: I'd say this BB is the right place for your question (and I don't read any doubts in what you are writing).

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Sun, 21 Dec 2008, Victor Alves wrote:


And you say: - "Oh no! It's him again..."

I know ... and even promised William Scott (in a private email) to not bother you again until Christmas, but...

First question: is CCP4BB the proper channel for these questions and doubts? Or should I email directly the developers?

As I said, this is a new laptop with a 32bits Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 and a fresh new installation of ccp4 6.1.0.

When I open iMosflm (whether from within the ccp4i or from the command line" I get an window with the following error message:


iMosflm 1.0.0, 16th October 2008 (requiring Mosflm 7.0.4)

iMosflm cannot run "usr/local/xtal/ccp4/ccp4-6.1.0/bin/ipmosflm":

/usr/local/xtal/ccp4/ccp4-6.1.0/bin/ipmosflm: error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryPlease configure iMosflm with the correct executable.

I searched for libtermcap.so.2 and couldn't find it in my computer.

Help please and thank you

Victor Alves

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Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH

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