I had a quick look at the wiki. It claims one requires the executable bltwish for ccp4i to work correctly. However, the maintainer is correct (I asked him the same thing some time ago) - the blt-library works perfectly if only you replace the few occurrences of 'bltwish' in the scripts in $CCP4/ccp4i/bin with just 'wish'.

At least for Debian, and I assume it's no difference for Ubuntu.


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, William G. Scott wrote:

Hi Harry et al:

Well, it it makes you feel any better, imosflm works great for me on ubuntu ibex:


I just lost my imosflm virginity at the synchrotron a few nights ago (they have it working or rh at SSRL).

If it helps anyone, here are the details:  http://tinyurl.com/imosflm-ibex

(But I have had no luck on OS X).

Thanks very much for all your efforts. I really appreciate it.

Best wishes for the holidays.


On Dec 22, 2008, at 2:32 AM, Harry Powell wrote:


So it looks like we released Mosflm/iMosflm on a "bad hair" day - photos of Luke and me will possibly reveal who has the worst hair (this would, of course, be a matter of opinion!).

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