Jason Porta wrote:
I am currently refining a 3 ang structure and would like to do rigid body
refinement treating each residue as a separate rigid body.

Here's how you'd do it in Coot, but I'd be surprised if this was better that the "Fit Protein" function already built in (you'll need 0.6-pre).

Calculate -> Run Script...



;; set this
(define imol-protein 0)

(define (fit-protein-rigid-body-fit-function res-spec imol-map)
 (let ((imol     (list-ref res-spec 0))
   (chain-id (list-ref res-spec 1))
   (res-no   (list-ref res-spec 2))
   (ins-code (list-ref res-spec 3)))
   (let ((res-name (residue-name imol chain-id res-no ins-code)))
     (if (string? res-name)
     (if (not (string=? res-name "HOH"))
        (set-go-to-atom-chain-residue-atom-name chain-id res-no "CA")
        (rotate-y-scene 10 0.3) ; n-frames frame-interval(degrees)
        (rigid-body-refine-zone res-no res-no chain-id imol)
        (rotate-y-scene 10 0.3))))))))
(set! *continue-multi-refine* #t)
(interruptible-fit-protein imol-protein fit-protein-rigid-body-fit-function)

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