On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Yuri Pompeu <yuri.pom...@ufl.edu> wrote:

> I have a 2.3A data set that could be scaled in C 2 2 21  and P 1 21 1
> Intensity statistics tests indicate twinning (pseudo-merohedral h,-k,-h-l
> in P 1 21 1)
> I find a good MR solution and when I try to refine it with the twin law I
> get fairly good maps and decent Rs 21-28%. I can see features tha were not
> in the search model
> Which leads me to think that this a valid solution. The one thing that
> bothers me however is the fact that my beta angle in P 1 21 1 is 104 (not
> close to 90) and that the geometry gets worse after refinement?

I've seen this before - the conventions for the C2221 and P21 unit cells are
very different, so even if beta=104 in P21, the equivalent C2221 cell can
still have all angles equal to 90.  And you can definitely have
pseudo-merohedral twinning in these circumstances (I did too - PDB ID 3ori).

The problem with geometry is a separate issue - probably the automatic
weighting not working properly, or an improper fixed weight.


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