I am now realizing that! I have been refining with twin law
enabled, its been somewhat succesful. 

I have been using phenix and now
getting ready to try refmac... 


On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 15:23:13
+0100, Garib N Murshudov wrote: 

> Why do you detwin? It would not be
normal procedure if you have twinning. Molecular replacement programs
usually do not have much problem with twinned data and refinement
programs can deal with them more or less properly. 
> when you detwin
then errors are increased (As far as I remember proportional to
1/(1-2alpha), if alpha is 0.46 then errors will increase more than 10
times). Moreover it is very likely that twin and pseudo rotation are
close to each other and estimated twin fractions may not be accurate. 
> Garib 
> On 29 Sep 2011, at 15:03, Yuri Pompeu wrote: 

>> After I ran DETWIN with the estimated 0.46 alpha, my completeness
for the detwinned data is now down to 54%!!!
>> Is this normal behavior?
(I am guessing yes since the lower symmetry untwinned dat is P1 21 1)

> Garib N Murshudov 
> Structural Studies Division 
> MRC Laboratory of
Molecular Biology 
> Hills Road 
> Cambridge 
> CB2 0QH UK
> Email:
ga...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk [1] 
> Web http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk [2]


Yuri Pompeu

[1] mailto:jen...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk

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