
So I have two intense ice rings where there appear to be lattice spots in 
between them. 

I understand that any reflections that lie directly on the ice ring are 
useless, however, how do software programs (HKL2000, d*Trek, mosflm, XDS) deal 
with these intermediate spots? 

It would seem to me that employing a 'resolution cut off' just before the ice 
ring (on the low resolution side) would be improper, as there are spots on the 
high resolution side of the ice. (see enclosed .tiff)

In fact, how do these programs deal with spots lying on ice rings? Are they 
rejected by some algorithm by those programs during integration, or is it up to 
the scaling/merging (by SCALA for example) step to deal with them? 



<<inline: PastedGraphic-1.tiff>>

Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

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