Yes, I just looked up the paper--seems right on topic--a powder-type ring
at ~4.2 Ang, corresponding to Calpha-Calpha distances! But no 1.2-1.5 Ang
ring, from what I saw. Maybe it gets swamped out by other things. I am
thinking that the variety/distribution of bonds/distances of length 1-3 Ang
in the crystal/mother liquor combo is so high/broad that you can't see them
anymore. I wonder whether when people soak in various heavy atom clusters,
they see powder rings for the HA-HA distances in the unbound clusters?


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Philip Kiser <> wrote:

> Hey Jacob,
> There was a paper by Robert M. Blessing et al (Acta Cryst D 1996) that
> at least partially attributed the diffuse ring that one sees around
> 3-4 A to something similar to what you are describing (scattering
> between amide oxygen and nitrogen  for example).
> Philip
> --
Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program

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