Hello CCP4ers,

 In my data, the highest reolution shell 2.8-3.0 A has I/sigmaI 2.5 & Rsym
224.3 % for multiplicity 7.8 and completeness 98.2 %. I solved the
structure by MAD & refined it to Rfree 27.3 %. Ths crystal belongs to P622
space group and it is not twinned. The water content is 68%. I loweredthe
 multiplicity to 4.1 by excluding few images but still the Rsym is > 200 %
and I/sigmaI > 2.0. My rudimentary crystallography knowledge makes me
believe it's quite Ok to use data upto 2.8 A and report the statistics.
Could I request people's views. Thanks very much.

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