On 9 Mar 2013, at 12:11, Jon Agirre wrote:

> Espript will do. http://espript.ibcp.fr

Well, if you want a topology diagram, espipt will not do. Brilliant as it may 
be, it will annotate the topology linearly on top of a set of aligned sequences 
(and more!).

As for a topology diagram, I could not resist pasting your question to google - 
its a good thing to do before pasting the question
in your email client - it can give you a strange sense of satisfaction and us 
(or at least me) less Saturday morning fun.



> Good luck,
> Jon
> On 9 Mar 2013 11:52, "LISA" <science...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to make a topological figure of my protein  with a b-sheet and helix 
> based on its crystal structure. Please recommend some online sever of 
> software? 
> Thank you.
> lisa

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