Dear All,
I cannot resist responding to this request that Lisa has made. I am very
surprised that no one has mentioned Roman Laskowski's program PDBSUM. It
does a great job applying secondary structure prediction by Lisa Holme and
will mark the beginning and ending of strands and helices. Try it.

Michael James

On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Edward A. Berry <> wrote:

> Still, I would second Lisa's question. Your google search gives a lot of
> false hits, and one doesn't want to download and install a dozen programs
> (with license forms to fill out in some cases) to see which one works, when
> Partha can tell us that Pro-origami will do it and provide a link to the
> description. Seems to be just what I've been looking for. Thanks, Partha!
> Anastassis Perrakis wrote:
>> On 9 Mar 2013, at 12:11, Jon Agirre wrote:
>>  Espript will do.
>> Well, if you want a topology diagram, espipt will not do. Brilliant as it
>> may be, it will annotate the topology linearly
>> on top of a set of aligned sequences (and more!).
>> As for a topology diagram, I could not resist pasting your question to
>> google - its a good thing to do before pasting
>> the question
>> in your email client - it can give you a strange sense of satisfaction
>> and us (or at least me) less Saturday morning fun.
>> topology+figure+based+on+its+**structure<>
>> A.
>>  Good luck,
>>> Jon
>>> On 9 Mar 2013 11:52, "LISA" < <mailto:
>>>>> wrote:
>>>     Hi all,
>>>     I want to make a topological figure of my protein with a b-sheet and
>>> helix based on its crystal structure. Please
>>>     recommend some online sever of software?
>>>     Thank you.
>>>     lisa

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