
Thanks for this. MolSoft has an iPad/Android app called iMolview Lite which is free. There is more information here:

The help documentation for displaying electron density maps on iPad are here:


Andrew Orry Ph.D.
MolSoft LLC
Senior Research Scientist
11199 Sorrento Valley Road, S209
San Diego
CA 92121
Tel: 858-625-2000 x108
Fax: 858-625-2888

On 5/1/2013 2:12 PM, MARTYN SYMMONS wrote:
Dear Dave
I have found the Molsoft ICM browser useful for showing students structures. There is a freely distributed version available for both ipad and android. I have not used it for maps but I believe it can display them. SGC Oxford originally showed me this software and have great examples displaying their structures on their web site and in their PLoS articles. Sorry but I have not used the ipad version - I think you have to pay a nominal fee for that.
 All the best

*From:* David Roberts <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, 1 May 2013, 20:56
*Subject:* [ccp4bb] showing electron density on an ipad

Hello all,

So, I find an ipad is a wonderful device for teaching (any tablet really - but I'm partial to the ipad). I can project it in a classroom, run pymol and a few other chemistry/biochemistry things, and really get the students interested in these subjects easily. I actually don't have a laptop - and our classrooms are such that there are computers connected to the projectors but they have standard University software packages installed on them.

It would be very helpful if I could just display electron density using an ipad. The pymol app will load a map (it is an option) - but when I take a map from my linux machines it doesn't work. Any thoughts here? Has anybody done this



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