
I'm afraid that just because you still have spots at the end of your dataset does not mean radiation damage was "not a problem". The reactions that disorder your heavy atom sites go to completion at doses that can be as little as 1/30th of the dose required to noticeably fade your spots. There are a number of nice reviews written about this:

Also, If your datasets were collected one wavelength at a time, such as a complete dataset at the peak, then another complete dataset at the inflection, and then, after all that, you collect the "reference" dataset at the remote, then what you have is not a MAD dataset. This is a series of SAD datasets (M-SAD). Of these three SAD datasets only the "peak" is at the optimum energy for anomalous, and also has the least radiation damage, so that one will work better than the other two. I use the term M-SAD instead of MAD because you are effectively using a different crystal for each wavelength, and that means the inter-wavelength differences are dominated by non-isomorphism. Non-isomorphism can easily bury an anomalous signal, and radiation damage is a pretty efficient way to make a crystal non-isomorphous with its former self.

By looking at examples in the literature, (such as Banumathi et al. 2004) one can guestimate that the degree of non-isomorphism induced by radiation damage is about 1% per MGy of dose. You can look up the nominal dose rate of the beamline you collected these data at here:
I try to keep the numbers in this document up to date, but most beamlines are attenuated to the point where they deliver about 1 MGy per minute of shutter-open time. That's for a crystal with < ~20 mM heavy atoms, and unattenuated beam.

So, if the dispersive signal you are looking for is 3%, then once your crystal has endured more than ~3 minutes of shutter-open time, the non-isomorphism will start to overwhelm that signal, and then trying to use dispersive (inter-wavelength) differences becomes counterproductive. This is because the software is trying to reconcile all the observed differences in terms of heavy-atom positions, and when half the differences are coming from non-isomorphism, the equations all fall apart. This is probably why treating your M-SAD dataset as a MAD experiment fails. Anomalous (Bijvoet) differences, however, tend to come up fairly close together in "phi" because once a spot passes through the Ewald sphere its Friedel mate will generally pop up on the opposite side of the beamstop a few degrees later. Basically, if you're measuring a difference, it is best to measure the two numbers you are going to subtract as close together in time as possible. This is why "inverse beam" with "round robin" wavelength changes is the approach that is most robust to damage effects. Yes, you still get damage, but at least the differences you are subtracting are close together, and therefore comparing "apples to apples".

I suppose it was the advent of saggital-focusing monochromators that made wavelength changes more difficult and more recently the advent of so-called "shutterless" data collection has led to more and more M-SAD data collections than MAD. This is a pity, really, because as George has already said, MAD gives you significantly better phases than SAD. It just requires a little more patience to collect it properly.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Yafang Chen <yafangche...@gmail.com <mailto:yafangche...@gmail.com>> wrote:

   Hi All,

   I have three datasets of SeMet-incorporated protein at peak, infl
   and high wavelength respectively. SAD with peak dataset works well
   to solve the phase problem. However, MAD with all three datasets
   didn't work at all. The completeness of all three datasets are more
   than 99%. So I think radiation damage should not be a problem. Does
   anyone have any idea about the possible reasons that MAD didn't work
   in this case? Thank you so much for any of your help!


-- Yafang Chen
   Graduate Research Assistant
   Mesecar Lab
   Department of Biological Sciences
   Purdue University
   Hockmeyer Hall of Structural Biology
   240 S. Martin Jischke Drive
   West Lafayette, IN 47907

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