
Having worked on a number of these structures using both MR and SAD/MAD, my 
advice is to continue to make experimental phasing a priority since building 
into a poor density map at this resolution can take months to years to finish 
while building into a nice experimental map can take a few hours to days, 
depending on how good your phases are.  With that being said, I fully support 
pursuing the MR route, just keep in mind though it won't easy at this 
resolution, even if you had awesome data.  And yes, your results seem to 
indicate that you have a nice solution, but i wonder how much of the overall 
structure does your model cover?  You mention this is a 22-stranded 
beta-barrel....membrane protein?  A tonB-dept transporter maybe....and if so, 
do you get a solution with the plug domain or are you just playing with the 
barrel domain currently?  A good check to see if you have a real solution if 
you are only using the barrel domain is to check to see if you have any 
difference density for the plug domain.  

So, my 2 cents, keep chugging along with the MR, but I would put more energy 
into the experimental phasing, esp if you are able to express it ok and can 
crystallize using the same conditions as native.  Also, both MR and 
experimental phasing would benefit greatly if you were able to increase your 
resolution closer to 3 angstroms (ugh....i know...easier said than done!).  
Again, if this is indeed a membrane protein, that could just mean that you end 
up screening a few hundred crystals to find that one crystal with that one 
sweet spot that gives you that one really good dataset.  

Good luck with your project, sounds like you are almost there!



Nicholas Noinaj
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
50 South Drive, Room 4505
Bethesda, MD 20892-8030
Phone (+1) 301-594-9230
Web: http://www-mslmb.niddk.nih.gov/buchanan/index.html


From: RHYS GRINTER [r.grinte...@research.gla.ac.uk]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 5:01 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] tricky mr problem

Hi all,

I have been attempting to find a MR solution for a low resolution data set 
(3.9A), with pretty poor merging stats of a 22 strand membrane beta barrel I'm 
working on.

I've created a trimmed poly-alanine from a structure of 17% identity, that 
gives a solution with a Tfz of 14.3 with two molecules per asu (llg is around 
900). I'm guessing this in a genuine solution, but the map is too poor to build 

Does anyone have any advice as to proceed from here? It may be just a case of 
needing better resolution data to work with, but would this indicate that 
Selenomet derivative crystals won't be needed for this structure?



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