Dear All,

I have a question regarding the output of Zanuda. We are working on a structure 
solved in P 32 1 2 with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The structure was 
solved by molecular replacement and refines well to R = 20.6%, Rfree = 25.2% 
with data to 1.8Å and 90% of the model built. Most of the missing residues are 
15 residue long section that is predicted to form a helix and although there is 
some ambiguous density it is not possible to construct anything.

To check the solution I submitted the structure to Zanuda which suggested that 
the symmetry was too high and the correct space group should be P 32. I have 
refined the structure in P 32 and although the stats are better (R = 19.9%, 
Rfree = 23.1%) there is no improvement in the density and the two copies remain 
largely identical. However when I resubmitted this structure to Zanuda it 
suggests that the symmetry is too low and the correct space group is P 32 1 2. 
But looking at the log file I am not sure why this should be so. The program 
does pick P 32 in step 2 but then selects P 32 1 2 at the end of step 3 even 
though the R free is better in P 32 (R is slightly worse).

I'm not sure what I am missing here. I have tried molecular replacement in P 1 
followed by refinement and still get P 32 1 2 picked over P 32 which has the 
best R and Rfree. I have attached an extract from the log files at the end of 
this email. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Alastair McEwen

P 32 logfile

   Step 1.
   R-factors for the starting model.
   Transformation into a supergroup.

   current time:                                        Nov 27 14:19 CET
   expected end of job (rough estimate):                Nov 27 14:30 CET

   | Subgroup | Spacegroup | R.m.s.d. |   Refinement in tested group   |
   |          |            | from the |--------------------------------|
   |   Ref    |            | starting |  Rigid   |     Restrained      |
   |          |            | model, A |----------|---------------------|
   |          |            |          |    R     |    R     |  R-free  |
   | >>   2   | P 32       |  0.0006  |    --    |  0.2716  |  0.3084  |
   |      6   | P 32 1 2   |  0.1035  |    --    |    --    |    --    |

   Step 2.
   Refinements in subgroups.
   There are 4 subgroups to test.

   current time:                                        Nov 27 14:19 CET
   expected end of job:                                 Nov 27 14:32 CET

   | >>   2   | P 32       |  0.0006  |    --    |  0.2716  |  0.3084  |
   |      1   | P 1        |  0.1728  |  0.2777  |  0.2521  |  0.3288  |
   |      2   | P 32       |  0.1738  |  0.2779  |  0.2509  |  0.3279  |
   |      3   | C 1 2 1    |  0.2080  |  0.2872  |  0.2519  |  0.3315  |
   |      6   | P 32 1 2   |  0.2040  |  0.2899  |  0.2526  |  0.3434  |
   | <<   2   | P 32       |  0.1738  |  0.2779  |  0.2509  |  0.3279  |

   Step 3.
   Refinement of the best model.
   Candidate symmetry elements are added one by one.

   current time:                                        Nov 27 14:25 CET
   expected end of job:                                 Nov 27 14:32 CET

   | >>   2   | P 32       |  0.1738  |  0.2779  |  0.2509  |  0.3279  |
   |      1   | P 1        |  0.1728  |  0.2778  |  0.2521  |  0.3290  |
   |      2   | P 32       |  0.2231  |    --    |  0.2467  |  0.3305  |
   |      6   | P 32 1 2   |  0.2679  |    --    |  0.2452  |  0.3444  |
   | <<   6   | P 32 1 2   |  0.2679  |    --    |  0.2452  |  0.3444  |

   R-factor in the original subgroup is NOT the best.
   The original spacegroup assignment seems to be incorrect

P1 logfile

   Step 1.
   R-factors for the starting model.
   Transformation into a supergroup.

   current time:                                        Dec 11 11:18 CET
   expected end of job (rough estimate):                Dec 11 11:32 CET

   | Subgroup | Spacegroup | R.m.s.d. |   Refinement in tested group   |
   |          |            | from the |--------------------------------|
   |   Ref    |            | starting |  Rigid   |     Restrained      |
   |          |            | model, A |----------|---------------------|
   |          |            |          |    R     |    R     |  R-free  |
   | >>   1   | P 1        |  0.0000  |    --    |  0.2753  |  0.3090  |
   |      6   | P 32 1 2   |  0.1947  |    --    |    --    |    --    |

   Step 2.
   Refinements in subgroups.
   There are 6 subgroups to test.

   current time:                                        Dec 11 11:18 CET
   expected end of job:                                 Dec 11 11:35 CET

   | >>   1   | P 1        |  0.0000  |    --    |  0.2753  |  0.3090  |
   |      1   | P 1        |  0.1973  |  0.2780  |  0.2482  |  0.3480  |
   |      2   | C 1 2 1    |  0.2431  |  0.2837  |  0.2517  |  0.3449  |
   |      3   | C 1 2 1    |  0.2196  |  0.2863  |  0.2525  |  0.3473  |
   |      4   | P 32       |  0.2859  |  0.2855  |  0.2503  |  0.3393  |
   |      5   | C 1 2 1    |  0.2815  |  0.2907  |  0.2530  |  0.3483  |
   |      6   | P 32 1 2   |  0.2914  |  0.2935  |  0.2574  |  0.3493  |
   | <<   4   | P 32       |  0.2859  |  0.2855  |  0.2503  |  0.3393  |

   Step 3.
   Refinement of the best model.
   Candidate symmetry elements are added one by one.

   current time:                                        Dec 11 11:29 CET
   expected end of job:                                 Dec 11 11:37 CET

   | >>   4   | P 32       |  0.2859  |  0.2855  |  0.2503  |  0.3393  |
   |      1   | P 1        |  0.2767  |  0.2863  |  0.2482  |  0.3455  |
   |      4   | P 32       |  0.3320  |    --    |  0.2497  |  0.3409  |
   |      6   | P 32 1 2   |  0.3698  |    --    |  0.2550  |  0.3578  |
   | <<   6   | P 32 1 2   |  0.3698  |    --    |  0.2550  |  0.3578  |

   R-factor in the original subgroup is NOT the best.
   The original spacegroup assignment seems to be incorrect.

Alastair McEwen, PhD
Structural Biology and Genomics Technology Platform
Integrated Structural Biology
1 rue Laurent Fries
tel: +33 (0)3 88 65 57 92

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