Dear all

Dear Dr. PDB,

Some time back i had submitted a coordinate in PDB but because of
unacceptance of the manuscript we had to retract the submission. During
this procedure i got few zipped file from the annotator such as 1>.
rcsb0xxxx.cif-public.gz,  2>. rcsb0xxxx.pdb.gz and  3>.
rcsb0xxxx-sf.cif.gz..Now i want to submit the same ..My question is what is
the best way to do it again..??
Should we start  from the beginning through ADIT Deposition tool and
resubmit it with a new PDB id or there is some way to submit again those
zip files which the annotator sent us after retraction..May you please
suggest what could be the easiest way to submit our structure to PDB
without much efforts.


School of Life Sciences

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