Peter, if it's a covalently-bonded H atom it surely can't be a bare proton,
it must have at least some partial electron around it for the (possibly
partial) covalent bond, enough to diffract X-rays anyway.  As you say the
proton itself is invisible to X-rays.


-- Ian

On 2 February 2015 at 13:08, Peter Moody <> wrote:

> Dear BB
> I have (again) realised how limited by understanding of our subject is.
> In Nature’s online site
> there is a paper describing an X-ray structure determined with sub-atomic
> data (nice!).  The figures show density for H+ as well as H-. In my
> simple way I had assumed that any X-ray scattering from the nucleus was
> negligible, and that the electrons are responsible for this. I would expect
> a proton (i.e. H+) alone to be invisible to X-rays, and certainly not to
> look similar to a hydride (with two electrons in (electron density) maps.
> What have I missed?  Could someone please explain, or point me to a
> suitable reference?
> Best wishes, Peter
> (please use to reply directly)

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