If you are seeing "waters" at 4 A you are probably looking at ions. Those are OK to model, but definitely try occupancy refinement from a variety of starting points to make sure you are not fooling yourself. Occupancy refinement might also help you assign which ion it is. That, and some prior knowledge about what ions are in your buffers.

As for "random noise", if you re-collect the data and re-refine your model, and find that the feature is still there, then it is NOT random noise. Random noise (by definition) changes every time you measure something. As for Fourier ripples, there is an easy check for this: 1) calculate structure factors from your refined model to 1.0 A or so (even if you have 4A data). 2) flag all your observed hkls, set the FC of those hkls to zero (use SFTOOLS for this). 3) use the remaining FC values to calculate an electron density map. This map will be the difference between a "perfect" map (essentially no missing reflections), and one that has the same missing Fourier terms as your observed map. This is the best estimation you can make of where you expect to see Fourier ripples, given your particular model and resolution cutoff. You will find that the ripples are generally very very small. Unless your observations cut out way too much good data.

If you look at a calculated map at 4A with waters in it, such as found in my movie here:
You will find then you will find that the waters disappear below 1 sigma at around 2.8A resolution. It doesn't mean they don't exist, they just drop below the 1 sigma contour level. If you lower the contour you will see them again. At what point does lowering the contour level get you to "noise peaks"? Well, that's around -1.0 sigma. Yes, negative sigmas. Everything above that is "real" (Lang et al. 2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1302823110). Just difficult to build into.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 4/13/2015 12:12 PM, Phoebe A. Rice wrote:
At 4A, I wouldn't unless I had an exceptionally good reason to.
There will always be some blobs, due to random noise and fourier ripples as well as due to an imperfect model. Unless a blob makes nice H-bonds to something else that is nicely ordered, I wouldn't model at water into it. If you can't see nice density for side chains then you probably aren't really seeing density for waters either.


Phoebe A. Rice
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The University of Chicago

pr...@uchicago.edu <mailto:pr...@uchicago.edu>
*From:* CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Sudipta Bhattacharyya [sudiptabhattacharyya.iit...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Monday, April 13, 2015 1:14 PM
*Subject:* [ccp4bb] Picking water molecules at 4A structure.

Dear community,

Recently we have been able to solve a crystal structure of a DNA/protein complex at 4A resolution. After almost the final cycles of model building and refinement (with R/Rfree of ~ 22/27) we could see some small water like densities...all throughout the complex. Now my query is, whether one should pick water molecules at this low resolutions or it is totally unscientific to do so?

Many thanks in advance...!!!

My best regards,

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