It looks like it's from a VT-278 setup, sometimes called the 'DECMATE 1. I had 
two complete setups, and now have one left. With the VT-278, it will run 
OS-278, COS-300, and WPS-8 (My systems were both WPS-8's, but I have a copy of 
VT-278 somewhere in my physical 'archives'). 

BR, Dave Mahoney 
2 '8/e's (one RXO1 based, one RX02 based) 
ASR-33, ASR-35, VT-101, VT-102 
'Bits' of all..... 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Ben Sinclair" <> 
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <> 
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 11:48:56 AM 
Subject: DEC RX02-PA? 

I found this on eBay, and I'm not sure what it is:

I haven't seen RX-02s in a case like this before, and some Googling 
doesn't seem to reveal much of anything. 

Does anyone know what this is exactly? 


Ben Sinclair 

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