On Jan 25, 2016, at 12:29 AM, Mark J. Blair <n...@nf6x.net> wrote:

> So, would any of y'all like to help me brainstorm about interesting 
> applications for this vintage heap, or maybe point me towards non-eBay 
> sources of software that it would like to run?

Great work on the restoration!



“no networking support” on the PC-DOS/MS-DOS client I think means you have to 
get work units via email or other means to a net-connected machine, then 
transfer them to the MS-DOS machine via kermit or similar, then crunch, then 
reverse the process to get credit. However, even at 66 MHz you won’t have to do 
that very often… my 25 MHz NeXT cube 040 does a bit less than one work unit per 
2 days. Until/unless you get it on Warp/Connect, maybe that’s OK?

OS/2 clients have done 5.67 million blocks, and MS-DOS 1.31 million blocks so 


so you’ll have some company. (But, a lot of those clients have shifted over to 
working on OGR-28.)

Yes, that’s mostly me down near the bottom of that list, with my 68k/NeXTStep 
running for 13 years.

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