On 06/10/2017 21:21, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
     > From: Rod Smallwood

     > I do not know the correct addresses or vectors I need so I can't set
     > them.
     > ...
     > State like this for each and every jumper required

Sorry, too busy to type all that out. Jumper it for 776500/300.

Now lets see - DLV11-J Manual says Factory setting is

    Base Address 176500 / Base Vector 300
    Channel 3 is console at 177560-177566

    So Channel 0 at 176500 / 300 for the TU58 = Factory
         Channel 0 8-n-1 = Factory

    Set Channel 0 Baud Rate to 19200  =  Connect K to 0

  Disable console = C1  X to 0 and C2 X to 0

So do the above and connect TU-58 to Channel 0 and it will be Device DD0 under RT11FB - Yes?



Wanted one pdp-8/i rocker switch leaver to copy.

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