The subject to f that is and what isn’t vintage computing is an argument as 
ancient as the computer itself. Fact is, it’s a moving target. As every year 
passes, products you can categorise as “vintage” changes at different rates. 
For example: IBM PC’s have largely standardised and “stagnated” in the last 
10-50 years. A machine from 2010 is largely similar in operation as a machine 
from 2022. However, an iPhone from 2010 (such as the iPhone 4), is woefully 
obsolete compared to modern offerings. Certain product lines and categories age 
worse than others. Another example is the PPC Macintosh line. Radically 
different, and largely unsuported, this range of computers were only 
discontinued in 2006, but i’m sure there’s no argument that they’re pretty 

What is defined as on-topic and off-topic is something we can argue until the 
cows come home, but utimately it’s a matter of opinion. However, i believe that 
this list, in particular, seems to aim at the weird and wonderful, regardless 
of decades. There’s people on this list who are experts at the Apollo Guidance 
Computer, there are people here who understand the BeBox. There’s people here 
who have experience with Cray supercomputers and Connections Machines 

There’s places to discusss early 00’s winboxes, 8-bit home computers, or video 
games consoles. But ultimately, if i’m interested in information on some 
obscure 70’s-80’s-90’s-00’s box of chips, i bet this list is the place i can 
get an answer.

I think, in general, this list is ultimately aimed at the “weird and wacky”, 
and not any sort of age. Even if that is pretty frab run-of-the-mill stuff like 
modern winboxes or 8-bit consoles. Looking to see how to rig an acoustic modem 
and a 5.25” drives to a Server 2003 machine? Here’s a good place. Looking for 
ROMs for your C64? Probably not.


Josh Rice

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