As an aside, I don't know if it's true, but I was told at least in 
Pennsylvania the SP and FBI use the same computer system. Have exclusive access 
to the same databases maybe. Wbereas normal cops won't. There may be truth to 
it, as 1 Sunday night, when the police dept. shut down (!) I opted to call the 
state police about a problem I was having. I left my namw with someone or on a 
recording, can't remember. The next day 7 FBI goons were knocking on my door. 
They were looking for a fugitive who used "my" name, amongst others, as an 
alias. They wanted to just walk right in an browse around. Until I reminded 
them of my Constitutional rights. I had cooperated up until that point, lifted 
my shirt to show them I was unarmed, produced my DL. They flippin knew I wasn't 
who they were looking for. They even showed me his photo! But still wanted to 
be assholes. Don't ever trust law enforcement. You may live to regret it. They 
will sweet talk, smile you to death. Lie, lie, lie. And hope they have 
something on you. What they insinuated might be incriminating was a stack of 
very old computers they could see from the door. They didn't want to leave, 
until I threw a tiny tantrum. Then surveilled me in a dark green lincoln for a 
spell. Man was I pissed. And learned a few things that day.  

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