I replied to individual suites runs, but just wanted to summarize QE validation 

The following suites were executed in the Octo lab (we will use Sepia in the 
future if nobody objects).

http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/10694 - Known "Won't fix"
"Assertion: osd/Watch.cc: 290: FAILED assert(!cb)"

*** Sam - pls confirm the "Won't fix" status.

['45495', '45496', '45498', '45499', '45500']
"s3tests failed"

*** Yehuda - need your verdict on s3tests.

All green !

"Issued certificate has expired" 
*** Sandon pls comment.

['45168', '45169']
coredump "ceph_test_filestore_idempotent_sequence"
*** Sam - pls comment

Missing packages - no ticket FYI
"Failed to fetch 
  Hash Sum mismatch"

*** Zack, Sandon ?


Travis - pls suggest
In general I am not sure if we needed to test this - Sage?

['45365', '45366', '45367']
"unable to connect to apt-mirror.front.sepia.ceph.com"

['45349', '45350', '45351', '45355', '45356', '45357', '45363']
"error: image still has watchers" 
(duplicate of 10680)

*** Zack, Sandon, Josh - all environment noise, pls comment. 

['45382', '45390']
"s3tests failed" - could be related or duplicate of 10838

*** Yehuda - same as issues in upgrades?

I am standing by for you analysis/replies and recommendations for next steps.

Loic - let me know is you want to follow specific items in our backport testing 
process that I missed here.
PS:  I would think that you could've wanted to assign the release ticket to QE 
(me) for validation and at this point I could've re-assigned it back to devel 
(you), a?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Loic Dachary" <l...@dachary.org>
To: "Yuri Weinstein" <ywein...@redhat.com>
Cc: "Ceph Development" <ceph-devel@vger.kernel.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 9:05:31 AM
Subject: dumpling integration branch for v0.67.12 ready for QE

Hi Yuri,

The dumpling integration branch for v0.67.12 as found at 
https://github.com/ceph/ceph/commits/dumpling-backports has been approved by 
Yehuda, Josh and Sam and is ready for QE. 

For the record, the head is 

I think it would be best for the QE tests to use the dumpling-backports. The 
alternative would be to merge dumpling-backports into dumpling. However, since 
testing may take a long time and require more patches, it probably is better to 
not do that iterative process on the dumpling branch itself. As it is now, 
there already are a number of commits in the dumpling branch that should really 
be in the dumpling-backports: they do not belong to v0.67.11 and are going to 
be released in v0.67.12. In the future though, the dumpling branch will only 
receive commits that have been carefully tested and all the integration work 
will be on the dumpling-backports branch exclusively. So that third parties do 
not have to worry that the dumpling branch contains commits that have not been 
tested yet.


Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
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