On 01/15/2014 09:35 AM, Cedric Lemarchand wrote:

Le 15/01/2014 16:25, Mark Nelson a écrit :
On 01/15/2014 09:22 AM, Cedric Lemarchand wrote:
Hello guys,

What about arm hardware ? did someone already use some like Viridis ?


Afaik, the boston solution was based on Calxeda gear...


Having said that, I think Ceph on ARM will still be very interesting
in the future.
This is exactly why I ask ;-), housing cost is now more about per/watt
needs than per/square meter or per/bandwidth use, moreover with actual
chassis and hard drives size, that offer a very hight ratio of usable To/U.

Did you have any usefull information about the state of the work and the
difficulty of using Ceph on arm platform ?

Much of our work on ARM was being done in collaboration with Calxeda before they ceased operations:


Having said that, Ceph on ARM is perfectly usable. I think it will still be an interesting solution in the future.



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