
Am 28.07.17 um 04:06 schrieb Brad Hubbard:
> An update on this.
> The "attempt to access beyond end of device" messages are created due to a
> kernel bug which is rectified by the following patches.
>   - 59d43914ed7b9625(vfs: make guard_bh_eod() more generic)
>   - 4db96b71e3caea(vfs: guard end of device for mpage interface)
> An upgraded Red Hat kernel including these patches is pending.
> There was also discussion of the following upstream tracker
> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/14842 however that has been eliminated as being
> in play for any of the devices analysed whilst investigating this issue since
> these partitions are correctly aligned.

any news on the fixed kernel release date/version? (May be I missed it yet)

    Thanks . Götz

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