Ok, I looked into Python sources of ceph-iscsi-{cli,config} and
        found that per-host configuration sections use short host name
        (returned by this_host() function) as their primary key.
        So I can't trick gwcli with alternative host name like p10s2
        which I put into /etc/hosts to denote my second IP,
        as this_host() calls gethostname() and further code
        disregards alternative host names at all.
        I added into trusted_ip_list,
        but after 'create p10s2 skipchecks=true'
        I got KeyError 'p10s2' in gwcli/gateway.py line 571

        Fortunately, I found a way to edit Ceph iSCSI configuration
        as a text file (rados --pool rbd get gateway.conf gateway.conf)
        I added needed IP to the appropriate json lists
        (."gateways"."ip_list" and."gateways"."p10s"."gateway_ip_list"),
        put the file back into RADOS and restarted rbd-target-gw
        in the hope everything will go well

        Unfortunately, I found (by running 'targetcli ls')
        that now it creates 2 TPGs with single IP portal in each of them
        Also, it disables 1st TPG but enables 2nd one, like this :

  o- iscsi      [Targets: 1]
  | o- iqn.2018-06.domain.p10s:p10s     [TPGs: 2]
  |   o- tpg1   [disabled]
  |   | o- portals      [Portals: 1]
  |   |   o-       [OK]
  |   o- tpg2   [no-gen-acls, no-auth]
  |     o- portals      [Portals: 1]
  |       o-       [OK]

        And still, when I do '/disks create ...' in gwcli, it says
        that it wants 2 existing gateways. Probably this is related
        to the created 2-TPG structure and I should look for more ways
        to 'improve' that json config so that rbd-target-gw loads it
        as I need on single host.

Wladimir Mutel wrote:
    Well, ok, I moved second address into different subnet ( and also reflected that in 'hosts' file

     But that did not help much :

/iscsi-target...test/gateways> create p10s2 skipchecks=true
OS version/package checks have been bypassed
Adding gateway, sync'ing 0 disk(s) and 0 client(s)
Failed : Gateway creation failed, gateway(s) unavailable: state)

/disks> create pool=replicated image=win2016-3gb size=2861589M
Failed : at least 2 gateways must exist before disk operations are permitted

     I see this mentioned in Ceph-iSCSI-CLI GitHub issues
https://github.com/ceph/ceph-iscsi-cli/issues/54 and
     but apparently without a solution

     So, would anybody propose an idea
     on how can I start using iSCSI over Ceph acheap?
     With the single P10S host I have in my hands right now?

     Additional host and 10GBE hardware would require additional
     funding, which would possible only in some future.

     Thanks in advance for your responses

Wladimir Mutel wrote:

     I have both its Ethernets connected to the same LAN,
     with different IPs in the same subnet
     (like, and p10s p10s2

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