On Fri, 26 Jun 2015, Sebastian Moeller wrote:

Tangent: What is the shaper rate the wdr4900 can push with sqm-scripts? (Before your 1200ac results the ppc-soc in the wdr4900 looked like the finest little router platform in the last years, too bad it was ignored by the mass market...)

Well, if I set SQM to 500 megabit/s and MSS to 300 I am able to get 70 megabit/s of iperf3 through it at 42k PPS. At default MSS I get 150 megabit/s at 25k PPS through it. This is at 100% sirq.

Does this help, or do you want me to do any other tests. I have the WDR4900 powered up and on my desk right now.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se
Cerowrt-devel mailing list

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