It looks like the 1900v2 and the 1200 have the same chipset, i saw that the 1900v2 got more memory and a faster cpu to bring it up to match the 1200.

My understanding is that the only difference between the two is 2x2 vs 3x3 and the cost.

David Lang

 On Thu, 2 Jul 2015, wrote:

Having not bought a 1200ac yet, I was wondering if I should splurge for the 
1900ac v2 (which has lots of memory unlike the 1900ac v1).

Any thoughts on the compatibility of this with the 1200ac?

Current plans are to deploy Supermicro Mini ITX A1SRI-2558F-O Quad Core (Rangely) as my 
externally facing router and "services" platform, and either one of the above 
as my experimental wireless solution.

On Thursday, July 2, 2015 11:47am, "Toke Høiland-Jørgensen" <> said:

Mikael Abrahamsson <> writes:

>> Do you have a link to your .config for your builds somewhere?

Cool, thanks!

> BUT! I have had problems getting WPA2 to work properly with this
> .config. I must have missed something that is needed that has to do
> with the password/crypto handling.
> There already is a profile for the WRT1200AC (caiman) in Chaos Calmer
> RC and trunk, so it's actually not that hard to get working. The
> biggest problem is finding all those utilities one wants and making
> sure they're compiled into the image so one doesn't have to add them
> later.

Yeah, realise that. Still have my old .config from when I used to build
cerowrt for the WNDR lying around somewhere, so will take a look at
that and make sure everything is in there :)

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