#164: Simple Geometries in CF
  Reporter:  whiteaker       |      Owner:  cf-conventions@…
      Type:  enhancement     |     Status:  new
  Priority:  medium          |  Milestone:
 Component:  cf-conventions  |    Version:
Resolution:                  |   Keywords:  geometry

Comment (by jonathan):

 Dear Tim

 Thanks for doing such a thorough and careful job of these documents. I
 have a few comments, which are all small.

   * In appendix A, it would be helpful to introduce a new possible value
 in the Use column, to indicate geometry container variable, so that these
 don't have to be -.

   * It would be good to add some words in the preamble of Sect 7 pointing
 to the simple geometries Sect 7.5 as an alternative to bounds.

   * In the text of 7.5, "but in that case every cell must have the same
 number of vertices and must be single polygon rings" - this sentence is
 confused about singular/plural.

   * To "Lines and polygons are also nearly the same except that it should
 be assumed that the first and last node are connected", append "for a

   * You write, "The only legal values of geometry_type are point, line,
 and polygon (case sensitive)". Must it be case-sensitive? CF attributes
 are not usually case-sensitive. Requiring case-sensitivity means more
 possibility for mistakes, and it doesn't seem helpful, because you
 wouldn't define a convention that depended on case to distinguish
 possibilities - that would be a recipe for confusion!

   * In the conformance doc, you recommend, "The coordinates of the first
 and last node in a given ring of a polygon geometry should be coincident".
 Why is this recommended? It's redundant and it doesn't seem preferable to
 me. I think David is also suggesting omitting this.

 Best wishes and thanks again


Ticket URL: <https://cf-trac.llnl.gov/trac/ticket/164#comment:8>
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