Ryan, if you have space available, I'd be interested in attending your

Let me know. Thanks!

Charmaine L. Keller-Hodge
Blue Skies Creative Group
816.452.4159 office
816.668.5119 mobile

> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 15:21:37 -0500 (CDT)
> Subject: [KCFusion] Potential meeting, Wed, Sept 24
> There is a good chance that Hal Helms will be in town and available to speak
> on the evening of Wednesday, September 24 (next week).  I am trying to
> coordinate a meeting location that will work for him and the group, but the
> large rooms at UMKC are booked until 7:15pm.
> If you are interested and able to come on Wednesday, please let me know today
> or early Tuesday so that I can have an idea on participation.
> 1) Smaller room at UMKC with max 15 or so occupancy, but earlier meeting time
> (6 or 6:30 probably)
> 2) Large room, but meeting at 7:30ish
> 3) Overland Park/Centriq - may not be available, or too far for Hal to drive
> 4) Other locations if someone volunteers meeting space in mid-town in the next
> 24 hours.  Capacity of 15+, projector, internet access desired but not
> required.
> Please let me know ASAP if this interests you.  If only a few people are
> interested we will probably go with option #1 above.
> Ryan
> ----Meeting/presentation topics----
> Not yet finalized, but Hal Helms has been a primary figure in the writing of
> Fusebox and Mach-II coding methodologies for ColdFusion, has written a number
> of books on Fusebox and CFCs, and trains in Fusebox, ColdFusion, Java, and
> Object Oriented coding.  www.halhelms.com for more information
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