Good idea David.

Should we perhaps use _computation_ instead of _calculation_ to match the 
attribute name? Here I have updated the first two paragraphs and added an 

**8.3.8 Computational Precision**

"The accuracy of the reconstituted coordinates will depend on the degree of 
subsampling, the choice of interpolation method and the choice of the 
floating-point arithmetic precision used in the interpolation method 

To ensure that the results of the coordinate reconstitution process are 
reproducible and of predictable accuracy, the creator of the compressed dataset 
may specify the floating-point arithmetic precision to be used in the 
interpolation method computations by setting the interpolation variable’s 
`computational_precision` attribute to one of the following values:

"32": 32-bit floating-point arithmetic (default), comparable to the binary32 
standard in [IEEE_754]
"64": 64-bit floating-point arithmetic, comparable to the binary64 standard in 

For the coordinate reconstitution process, the floating-point arithmetic 
precision should match or exceed the precision specified by 
`computational_precision `attribute, or match or exceed 32-bit floating-point 
arithmetic if the `computational_precision` attribute has not been set.

As an example, `computational_precision = "64"` would specify that the 
floating-point arithmetic precision should match or exceed  64-bit 
floating-point arithmetic.


[IEEE_754] "IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic," in IEEE Std 754-2019 
(Revision of IEEE 754-2008) , vol., no., pp.1-84, 22 July 2019, doi: 

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