Dear All,

I believe the following paragraph from our chapter 8 is no longer relevant, 
after we have moved all the dimension related attributes from the data variable 
to the interpolation variable.

The tie point variables `lat` and `lon` spanning dimension `tp_dimension1` and 
tie point variable `time` spanning dimension `tp_dimension2` must have each 
their interpolation variable.

Would you agree?


> The same interpolation variable may be multiply mapped from the different 
> sets of tie point coordinate variables. For instance, if tie point variables 
> `lat` and `lon` span dimension `tp_dimension1` and tie point variable `time` 
> spans dimension `tp_dimension2`, and all three are to interpolated according 
> to interpolation variable `linear`, then the *`coordinate_interpolation`** 
> attribute could be `lat: lon: linear time: linear`. In this case it is not 
> possible to simultaneously map all three tie point coordinate variables to 
> the linear interpolation variable because
> they do not all span the same axes.

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