At 09:02 AM 4/10/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Dick,
>We upgraded to 4.51 and it seemed to cure quite a few ills. So far no
>damage. We had previously installed the hot fixes for CFHTTP and CFMAIL and
>had switched some CFMAIL calls off to another machine so we didn't have many
>problems there. It now does allow the 20,000,000 AOL users that couldn't
>complete our pages do so...seems really strange to me that they would allow
>such crap to be issued as a release in the first place as an 'upgrade' ;)

You can't really mean that. The problem is on AOL's end. CF Server now 
accommodates the problems on AOL's end. Do you honestly want Allaire to get 
accounts with every major ISP so they can check to see if the ISP's stupid 
procedures mess up the sites? I used to work at a hosting company and the 
focus was on video hosting. Every time we had a broadcast, we would get 
inundated with tech support calls from AOL users asking us why our site was 
broken. You can't imagine how many times I had to explain to people exactly 
why they needed to get a real ISP. AOL uses cached proxy servers and it is 
bad bad bad.

The really funny calls were the AOL users who said "What do you mean you 
don't do tech support for AOL? You're the Internet, right?"

> > The ISP who hosts many of my client's sites is considering switching
> > to 4.5.1 as the active CF platform.
> >
> > There have been lots of threads re problems with various 4.5 versions...
> >
> > I am especially concerned with:
> >
> >     CFHTTP
> >
> >     regexps
> >
> >     CFMAIL
> >
> > Anyone know of outstanding problems with 4.5.1?
> >
> > Any killer incompatibilities between 4.0 & 4.5 1?
> >
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > Dick
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