
Yeah - and another law is at work here. It's called Mark's PITA law (and it
has nothing to do with animals).  It's states:

"...the smaller the fee the client is willing to pay, the bigger the PITA he
or she will become"

If you have trouble with my acronym, the first three words are "Pain in

It amazes me how many folks buy the cheapest possible hosting package, pair
down specs to below bare bones because of the cost involved, then call you
every other day because they are still not happy with a verdona font, or the
style of the vlink ("... have we tried Tahoma yet?  I think I'd really like
to try tahoma for a few days....").  About a year and a half ago I found a
few contractors in my area and I just started shifting any clients below a
certain threshold away from my business.

That's scary for a small business because you think you have to jump on
every opportunity.  What I found, however, is that my focus improved, my
time to release for projects improved, and my documentation improved.  I was
able to take on larger projects.  Now, the only sites like that are left
with that "small scale" problem are a legacy of our start up.


I personally have 1 full file box full of lengthy emails explaining a 1
sentence change on a non commerce page - of which I have had to resort
to printing, dating and putting time spent on it and having it accompany
a bill for those clients who bawk at a measly $200 bill one month...
while I have had to read through 50 emails  - print 30 of them, and note
everything - All of which consumes more consumables(printer ink) and
time in administration then the actual change takes - Funny thing is
clients - feel that part of that time is just part of doing business and
they are not responsible for that.

I have a feeling that I am not the only one with 6 out of 10 clients who
fit this.

jay m.

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